


1)varnish,(清)漆2)varnish,清漆3)clear coating,清漆4)lacquer,清漆5)spar varnish,清漆6)latex paints,清漆7)Natural clear lacquer,清漆8)clear lacquer,清漆9)Oil varnish,油性清漆,上清漆10)alkyd varnish,醇酸清漆


Research on a water-borne two-component polyurethane varnish for heavy-duty metal protection;


Determination of cobalt and zinc in varnish by emulsification technique-flame atomic absorption spectrometry;


The cure and degradation processes of the clear coating were studied by 13 C CP/MAS and GHPD/MAS NMR.

利用13 C交叉极化 (CP)和门控高功率去偶 (GHPD)二个脉冲序列的魔角旋转核磁共振 (MASNMR)技术表征了汽车罩光(清)漆的固化和降解过程 ,研究结果表明涂料在固化后形成的丙烯酸酯 三聚氰胺交联 ,经较长时间的紫外线曝晒 ,逐步降解 ,生成少量的三聚氰胺 三聚氰胺交联和丙烯酸酯 丙烯酸酯交

Using high resolution 13 C, 1H NMR combined with GC/MS and IR, the comprehensive analysis results of the clear coating show that the new type automobile coating is mainly composed of the copolymer contained butyl acrylates and 1,2 propanediol acrylate and the crosslinker butylated melamine formaldehyde resin, which can be solved in a few kinds of organic solvents.

罩光(清)漆的色谱质谱 (GC/MS) ,13 C ,1H液体高分辨核磁共振 (NMR)和红外光谱 (IR)等多种方法的综合分析结果表明 ,新型汽车涂料主要是由丙烯酸丁酯 ,丙烯酸 1,2 丙二醇酯等形成的丙烯酸酯共聚物和部分丁氧基化的三聚氰胺甲醛树酯交联剂所组成 ,它们溶解在由多种有机溶剂组成的混合溶剂中 。

The main components of the clear coating imported were obtained using high resolution 13 C NMR, 1H NMR combined with GC/MS, IR and GPC.

利用液体高分辨 13 C、1H核磁共振 (NMR) ,结合色谱质谱 (GC/ MS)、红外光谱 (IR)和凝胶色谱 (GPC)等多种手段分析了由国外进口的罩光(清)漆中的漆料和溶剂的主要成分 ,并对漆料中的高分子共聚物和交联剂的配比进行了定量估算 ,进而分析了它们在溶液中可能存在的结构。

alkyd varnish manifest excellent flatness efficiency and improved transmittance after adding appropriate nm SiO2.


The application of dimethyl carbonate in thermoplasticacrylic varnish, pyroxyline varnish, alkyd varnish and PU vamish are introduced.


The preparation of 5 tri compound driers and their properties in alkyd varnish are introduced.

介绍了五种三元复合催干剂的制备及在醇酸(清)漆中的性能 ,结果表明该复合催干剂性能优异 ,可代替传统的钴锰铅钙锌五元体系 ,并简化工艺 ,降低成本 ,其中环保无铅化配方值得大力推广。

