mortgage terms



1)mortgage terms,按揭条件;抵押条件2)pledge condition,抵押条件3)preferential mortgage terms,优惠按揭条件4)mortgage,抵押;按揭5)mortgage security,按揭抵押6)mortgage default guarantee,按揭条件违约保证


A contract or deed specifying the terms of a mortgage.


by a mortgagee of such land in breach of any of the terms on which the mortgage was authorized under paragraph 4 of the Schedule.


Competition and cooperation conditions of mortgage and detain right and it s validity;


Analysis of Signaling Actions on Collateral under Asymmetric Information;


A temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt.


Article58 The right of mortgage shall lapse due to loss or destruction of the mortgaged property.


Article 19 In mortgaging building property, a building property mortgage contract must be concluded.

第十九条 房产抵押,必须订立房产抵押合同。

appropriately prolonging the utilization time limit of aid-the-poor loans and softening the terms of mortgage and guarantee, according to the actual situation;


This research suggested that HMBS is feasible for China under the current capital condition.


Article51 Where a mortgagor's acts are likely to cause the value of the mortgaged property to decline, the mortgagee shall be entitled to demand that the mortgagor cease and deist from such acts.


Article 23 If the mortgagor rents the mortgaged building property to another person, he shall obtain the mortgagee's consent.

第二十三条 抵押人如将抵押的房产租给他人,应征得承押人同意。

Article 21 If the mortgagor does not repay the loan as provided in the building property mortgage contract, the mortgagee has the right to sell the mortgaged building property through auction.

第二十一条 抵押人不依照房产抵押合同规定偿还贷款,承押人有权拍卖抵押的房产。

Article 18 Owners of building property must apply for building property mortgage loans at a bank established in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the following conditions shall be met:

第十八条 房产主申请房产抵押贷款,必须向设在深圳经济特区的银行办理,并具备下列条件:

Article33. With the mortgage of the right to the use of the land, the above-ground buildings and other attached objects thereon shall be mortgaged accordingly.


On the Relationship Between the Mortgage Registration and the Charge Contract of Real Estate--Discussing the 41th in the Guarantee Law;


Article32. The right to the use of the land may be mortgaged.


Improved Housing Loan on Mortgage Insurance Based on Interests of Creditor and Debtor;


The Statutory Mortgage Settled In Clause 286 of the Contract Law;


